


Boost Your career in

Digital Marketing

The field of marketing is already dominated by digital marketing. Customers’ interactions with most brands have already shifted in this new online era. An exciting, challenging, and thrilling journey awaits those who pursue careers in digital marketing. Options for remote work and the worldwide reach of internet marketing provide flexibility and a variety of growth prospects for careers. Develop your ability to use tactics and sway a sizable audience. Increase your proficiency in analytics, social media, and SEO. Digital marketing offers a plethora of opportunities. Become an expert by applying with top digital marketing course in kochi.
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Where to Study ?

Digital Marketing course in kochi

Are you trying to find the best digital marketing course kochi? Join Learn with beeka to learn digital marketing in kochi in a structured and systematic manner. In addition to offering students the chance to work on actual projects and businesses, this advanced digital marketing course offers hands-on, practical instruction. It makes it possible for students to receive in-depth instruction in web development as well as search engine optimisation, social media marketing, Google Ads, Google Analytics and Google Search console. With our Academy, you can pursue a career in digital marketing. The greatest choice for digital marketing courses in Kochi is Learn with beeka digital marketing institute in kochi.

Modules :

  1. Overview
  2. trends
  3. channels
  4. identifying niches
  1. Keyword research
  2. On-page &Off-page SEO
  3. technical SEO
  4. analytics
  1. Campaign creation
  2. AdWords
  3. Bidding strategies
  4. ROI analysis
  1. Platforms
  2. content strategies
  3. analytics
  4. audience engagement
  1. Writing
  2. blogging
  3. Video creation
  4. content curation
  5. storytelling
  1. List building
  2. Campaigns
  3. Automation
  4. CRM tools
  5. communication strategies
  1. Domain Reg
  2. Web Hosting
  3. WordPress Website Customisation
  4. Themes & Plugins
  1. Elements of Design
  2. Design Tools
  3. Brand Tonality Design
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Design


We here in Learn With Beeka provide training for students on 4 important elements in Digital Marketing. We train our students with a technique called CCOA.
What is CCOA ?

CCOA (Content, Creative, Organic and Ads) is a technique where students will learn about the importance of all these 4 elements and training on the same. CCOA is important as it drives traffic and organic leads to the website which will help the businesses achieve its goals.

In digital marketing, content plays a vital role as content builds the path between customer and products/brands. A well written informative content will create curiosity among customers. This curiosity will bring engagement and build meaningful relations with customers.
Digital Marketing is an ever evolving platforms, where creatives become the backbone of successful campaigns. Creative helps to attract an audience and opens new opportunities for businesses in the digital world. An eye-catching visuals and compelling content will build awareness, increase engagement and also drive conversions.
Organic marketing is a non-paid tactic and a long term strategy in digital marketing. Organic marketing helps companies to build brand and leads through unpaid activities like SEO, UGC, blogs, creatives, social media, email marketing. And organic drives 53% of traffic from the website as users prefer organic results than paid ones.
The role of Advertising(Ads) in digital marketing is to promote business through various channels like search engines, social media and mobile apps. Through Ads businesses can target the potential customers by using techniques like demographics,interests, and behaviors to maximize effectiveness.
What our students say
Mohammed Arshaq. H
Mohammed Arshaq. H

Before enrolling at learn with Beeka, I had basic knowledge of digital marketing but lacked the practical skills to apply it. Thanks to the industry-relevant curriculum, hands-on projects, and mentorship from experienced professionals, I gained the confidence and expertise to land my dream job as a social media marketing specialist!

Mymoona Farhath
Mymoona Farhath

My job required me to brush up on my digital marketing skills, but traditional training felt outdated. Learn with beeka's focus on the latest trends and tools, combined with guest lectures from industry leaders, provided me with valuable insights and kept me ahead of the curve in my career

Shajahan T.P
Shajahan T.P

Choosing the right digital marketing institute was overwhelming. What drew me to learn with beeka was the excellent placement support and strong alumni network. The career guidance workshops and mock interviews prepared me well for job interviews, and I landed a well-paying position within just a few months of graduating

Rafeena mol p.s
Rafeena mol p.s

I had zero coding experience but always wanted to learn SEO. learn with beeka's beginner-friendly SEO course with live sessions and practical exercises made it incredibly easy to grasp the concepts. Now, I can optimize my website and content for search engines, driving more organic traffic and leads

Who can join digital marketing course
Career Swithers & Job Seekers
Business owners
& Entrepreneurs
Digital Marketing Enthusiast
Digital Marketing Course in kochi what Learn with Beeka Offers
The capacity to learn and adapt is now essential in modern life, rather than an additional benefit. We long for an engaging, customised approach that enables us to thrive, but traditional education frequently falls short. Learn with Beeka fills that gap by providing a learning experience that is truly transformative. What makes us the best digital marketing training institute in kochi.
Specialized Courses
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
Register or enroll for a digital marketing course, select your niche and gain training and knowledge on the specific niche & do internships and build a strong base.
As you are asking for the best, it differs from courses. Read & research about different courses, search through reviews, expert talks etc. And then select the niche that fits you the best.
As the rapid increase in businesses and usage of the internet, a wide scope for digital marketing opens nowadays. Digital marketing helps the businesses to expand their online presence, attract customers and drive sales. And all these are making high demand for skilled digital marketers
As in digital marketing, SEO( Search Engine Optimization), Social Media Marketing(SMM), Content marketing, Search Engine Marketing(SEM).
Content marketing, Social Media Marketing(SMM), Search Engine marketing(SEM), Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
Words from our
With over 900 million internet users, India is the second largest online market in the world,with digital advertising surpassing TV adv digital marketing skills grabbing is the need of the hour We at beeka helps you to understand not just theory but practical skills bonded by strategy in different niche so clients who onboard you become clear in vision of execution.
Abdul Latheef
Meta Certified Trainer

Learn with Beeka isn’t just another digital marketing academy. We’re the practical arm of Beeka, a leading digital marketing agency with 5 years of experience across India, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman.

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